
Things that are obnoxious at 8:50 in the morning
Let's try the guy that is using a leaf blower directly under my window. For the love, people, it's 8:50 in the a.m. I'm already up, so it's not like the leaf blower sucked precious minutes of slumber from me, but all the same, I believe mornings should be quiet.
For real.
Other Obnoxious Things
The fact that I have two tests today -bleh!
The fact that I don't care how mountains form, I just want to get the test over with!
The fact that I got about three hours of sleep due to studying for aforementioned Geology test, and have yet to study for my J 200 test!
And the most obnoxious thing:
I've been drinking instant coffee -- this is not the answer. There may be a hint that it is meant to be coffee, but in the end, instant is just an imposter. It's like buying Dr. Thunder instead of Dr. Pepper -- it just doesn't make the grade. But I will probably continue drinking it, which is the most shameful thing of all.

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