
Things that are currently rockin' my socks off!!!
~My brother, boy genius, once again wins the "coolest big brother ever" prize for commenting on my blog. He's just about the best brother around, and I probably wouldn't trade him in -- maybe. Thanks for always taking time for me, yo!

~Quiet places to study such as 309 D -- a more hospitable abode you will not find, and it has such character with the slanting floors.

~Operation Walkie-Talkie -- Sorry, can't say more than that -- it's top secret, but it's super cool!

~My friends calling me to watch a movie this afternoon -- I can't imagine a lovelier way to spend a Monday evening than watching "Down with Love" (I recommend it) and eating Chinese food with some of my absolute favorite people.

~My Mom sending me a Norah Jones CD -- it was just what I needed today.

~Encouraging e-mails from the Burr, who let me tell you, is an amazing Spanish teacher, and one amazing woman, that I'm unbelivably blessed to know.

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