
As my dad would say...
When anyone in my family is in a grumpy mood, we refer to them as a "grumpy dog", for example "Sara is a grumpy dog today". As with most of my family quirks, I suspect that this one started with my Dad.
All that to say that I was kind of a "grumpy dog" today. I sat on hold with the people at McGraw-Hill publishing trying to get my Geology textbook, I engaged in an e-mail conversation attempting to make an appointment with my advisor and finally ended up getting a slightly snotty e-mail and a meeting after my registration date, and to top it all off, I was not nearly productive today as I needed to be. Plus the food at Twain was, as usual, mediocre.

Not a complete loss
Despite being in a semi-grumpy mood, today was in the long run pretty decent. I finished reading A Prayer For Owen Meany today, and was pleasantly surprised by a book I didn't expect to like. I ran into my friend Mel and had a pleasant lunch with her. I ate chips and salsa with Corina, Jenn, and John, and we all just about peed our pants we got to laughing so much. I also played hackey-sack in the hallway with Anna, which I think was a nice diversion for both of us.

Speaking of Hackey-Sack
I own a hackey-sack (I don't know if I'm spelling that right) -- at any rate, it used to belong to Jacob Greenan, but I absconded with it, and now use it for juggling. Note: I've never been adept at actually playing hackey -- so of course, yesterday, Anna, Erin, and I decided to kick the hackey-sack around. We're all pretty terrible at it, but we had fun, and I fell on my butt which gave us all a good laugh. We played again today, and I think we might be improving -- but not by much. But we did succeed in collapsing in fits of giggles.

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