
A year ago today I was getting on a plane to London. I wanted to remember everything. As I waited in the airport I wrote in my journal.

My family and I cried as we said goodbye and I headed off through airport security. We always cry at airports.

I sat in the chairs at DFW waiting to board my flight to Chicago, and I was a little nervous. But I remembered that my Mom had been about my age when she moved to Germany to be with Dad. I remembered that Grandma Alsup had been over 50 when she left the country for the first time – by herself, that Grandma Hefflinger had moved the family to Saudi Arabia. I thought about these strong women that I come from and I felt better. That's what I wrote about in my journal.

A year ago I was on my way to London.

Now I’m back in Columbia, missing Texas and home, and looking forward to wherever comes next.

1 comment:

CSP said...

A year ago I was missing two of my dearest friends, off on some big London adventure. A year from now, wherever we might all find ourselves, I'll be missing you both again. Your sense of adventure is one of the things I admire most about you, but you'll forgive me if I'm not too eager to see you start the next one just yet.

The future is big and exciting, but I want to hold on to the present for just a little longer.