You can take the girl out of Texas, but she's quite keen on London...Besides, I did happen to find a place that flies the Texas flag here, so I figure I'm in a good place.
I am mostly recovered from jet lag. Air India's customer service philosophy is "the customer is god." If I were god though, why would I be flying on an airplane? Clearly a question to think through.
It is dense and wonderful. It truly is a city that moves and lives and has a life all it's own. It feels comfortable.
Notably today, me and some lovely companions rode on the London Eye - the large ferris wheel. The LARGEST ferris wheel in all the world.
At first I was a bit apprehensive, as I don't fancy heights and have never been on a ferris wheel.
But it was beyond amazing to sit on top of London, looking from St. Paul's dome to Big Ben and the Houses of Parliment. To see it sprawl below.
I live here. And at night, I can feel the tube (subway) train as it rumbles on the tracks beneath my kitchen window. In the morning I turn back the curtain and see the hotel with it's hanging flower baskets across the street, and see parents walking their children to school. And I am home.
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clearly i need to contact the state fair because everything is supposed to be bigger in texas. lol. i'm glad you are having a great time. best of luck tomorrow on the internship thing. --ryan
"Don't fancy heights" she says... pfft. That took, what, a day? If you come back here with an accent (one that doesn't involve "y'all"), I'm going to slap you silly.
i refuse to comment yet.... i want to see what whistle you're whistling... wait... what? in a month :)
full well knowing that i'm going to be attacked for the statement i'm about to made me laugh:
"the customer is god"--air india?.... don't indians consider cows sacred? and if so what animal does that make you? --ryan
Did the Air India airplane smell like curry when you if you walk into an Indian resturant?
Also, what place flies the Texas flag?
Maggie story - Maggie is really driven and kind of money focused. I am not sure where she gets that, but I encourage her. Anyway, she bought a notebook at school from a vending machine that cost $.50. She was really unhappy with it because it gave her a notebook with cars and stuff as opposed to teddy bears, which is the one she wanted. Her friend Emily "Fancied" it (see, I can be British too) so Maggie sold it to her - For $1.02!!! Anyway, she told Nancy, who was curious about how she came home with $.52 more than she left with and Maggie told her the story. Nancy made her give Emily back the money the next day :(
Although I am dissapointed in Nancy, I am really proud of Maggie's instinct. Not bad for a six year old!
I'm so proud that my niece is well on her way to becoming a robber-baroness. Good on her for breaking even and getting a profit.
I say, if the other kid parted with the money than that's done. But I suppose there's something to generosity and not taking advantage of someone - maybe.
Love to all,
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