
Until further notice...
"Listen, to live is to be marked. To live is to change, to acquire the words of a story, and that is the only celebration we mortals really know."

"I may have to stop talking again, until I can be sure of what I know." ~ Barbara Kingsolver,
The Poisonwood Bible

I haven't updated in over week. It's not for lack of trying. So, gentle reader, rather then leave you in suspense, I'm just saying that productivity is down.

I'll continue to write, and when it's coherent - I'll put it up for your enjoyment (and your criticisms - which I tend to prefer). Let's just say I'm acquiring the words to the story. Stories.

And there are several rolling around up there - stories of elephants and mushrooms and other pieces of life crammed into dusty corners and gathering cobwebs.

Maybe I'm just waiting till I'm sure of what I know. Soon though. Soon.


Anonymous said...

I had better get some of that Sara Alsup home grown writting soon damn it!

CSP said...

Yes. Well. I, too, would like to see some more of that homegrown Alsup "writting."

Anonymous said...


You got power? I realize there's no way for you to answer that on this message board if you don't, but I'm curious. I honestly have no idea where you live in TX, but I thought it was near Dallas/Fort Worth. Anyway, I've been keeping up with the news and wondering if you were affected at all.

Just curious,