
The Lord be with you,

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them in pieces to the Lord, trusting that He will restore wholeness to them.

It is meet, right and our bounden duty to lift our hearts at all times and in all places to the God who is near to us. Who desires not just to help us, but to heal us. Not merely to comfort us, but to transform us into the image of His perfect son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. For we know that if we be united with Christ in His suffering, then we shall also be united with Him in His triumph and victory.

And what sorrow do we know that Christ has not known also?

In the Holy Scriptures we read that Jesus knew in His flesh the pangs of hunger, the ache of wearyness, the deep compassion towards the hungry and sick. In His life we see that Christ experienced the grief of loss that brings weeping, knew the betrayal of dear friends as they fell asleep in His hour of pain and then denied that they knew Him. And He in His kindness and love forgave them, and restored them to His favor.

We read with trembling, that Christ prayed that the cup would be taken from Him, but then submitted Himself to the will of the Father. Jesus walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death into the dawn of His glorious resurrection and victory. He exchanged the scornful crown of thorns, for a conqueror's crown and He holds securely all the Father has given Him.

What peace does He speak to us, dear ones?

We know that He will not crush a bruised reed nor a broken heart.

We know that He will not snuff out our smoldering wick.

Praise to you, Lord Christ.

Christ, our good shepherd, will carry us wooly and weary little lambs in the shelter of His arms, strong arms that bore the weight of the world. We are not too heavy in our sorrow for Him to bear, for He is our strong deliverer.

Praise to you, Lord Christ.

Peace, peace to you, dear ones, loved by the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Peace at all times, in the fearful dark night, and in the brightness of day. Peace of Christ to the wounds of your heart and soul. Peace of Christ to your weary spirit. Take heart, be you yet of courage though you tremble, for Christ walks beside you, now and evermore.

1 comment:

Robbie said...

Wow. What can I say, my dear friend, but wow. You are amazing. As is your writing. Which I might, at some point, borrow in church (with credit given!), as it speaks with a lyricism and beauty I could but hope to match.