
Let’s come to the table and talk – Seriously folks, I want a discussion here.
In this age of instant information we have been able to watch the families of the West Virginia miners sit vigil, experience the jubilation of a hope fulfilled and descend into grief and anger after the initial report of the miner’s survival was found to be incorrect.
I watched the story unfold on the 24-hour news networks. For around two hours the networks relayed the unconfirmed reports that the miners were alive. One source from the Red Cross said that she first heard the initial report when she was contacted by a media outlet. After hearing this report, she made her way to the mine site.
It is now being reported that no official source relayed the report of survival to the families, but that they received the information from a mine employee via a cell phone.
My questions to journalists and non-journalists are the following:
1)Do journalists bear any responsibility for the information failure that occurred during the mine tragedy?
2)If so, did the pressure to bring the most recent, if not accurate, information to the public, thus keeping pace with their competitors in the news market contribute to the continued relaying of false information?
3)What safeguards could journalists have put in place to guard against the spread of inaccurate information?
4)Many of the on-site reporters spoke of the “euphoria” that swept through the crowd. Do journalists have a responsibility to not be swept up in the enthusiasm? That is, should journalists distance themselves emotionally in order to report cautiously and clearly?
5)Does a reporter’s emotional involvement in a story contribute or lead to shoddy reporting?
6)Journalists were not allowed close to the church or close to the mine site. Should they have had greater access to the site of the story? Would this have made a difference in how the story was reported?

Enough questions? I won’t ask anyone to answer them without answering myself.

1)Yes, I believe the press bears some culpability for the spread of misinformation. In one instance last night, I watched the news networks go from reporting the likely identity of the first miner that was found, to reporting as though it had been confirmed the identity of the miner. It was my impression that as one network reported the likely, but unconfirmed identity of the first miner that the other networks simply “borrowed” the reporting from other media outlets. Eventually, it was reported as coming from the AP even though the niece of the miner was still saying that the identity had not yet been confirmed. It is my impression that this spread of information from network to network happened multiple times last night, despite the lack of official confirmation from the mine company or the governor of the reports of survivors. As one network reported information, other networks seemed to pick it up as well.

2)There is a tremendous race by the news outlets to be the first with information. This is seen quite clearly in the broadcast side of things. Unfortunately, the race to be first in the market with a story sometimes leads to the reporting of inaccurate information. (Such as when Fox News and other outlets called the state of Florida before all the polls were closed in the 2000 election). I believe the race to be first also leads to the great amount of speculation and interpretation that occurs on the news networks in order to maintain continuous coverage on the major stories, often from reporters who are unqualified to comment intelligently on the subject because of a lack of expertise in the matter. The problem with journalists speculating on air or in print is that we tell the public that we report accurate information. Because of our position as information hunter-gatherers the public trusts us to have confirmed our reports with more knowledgeable sources. When we make off- the-cuff comments, stemming from our own opinions we violate that public trust.

3)One of the first things I heard as a reporter was this adage, “If your mother says she loves you, check it out.” There is tremendous value in confirming information from multiple sources possessing expert information. I have heard it proposed this morning that the best way to report this would have been to attribute the report to the families in order to remove the news outlet from the “hook” of inaccurate reporting. To attribute reports to sources is not primarily a way to hedge the news outlet’s bets. Reports should be attributed in order to provide the public with the most accurate information and to demonstrate the sourcing of the story in order to show that the journalists was not making it up out of whole cloth. Had journalists displayed caution and restraint in reporting the story, saying that reports were being heard from family members, though not from official sources as they tried to confirm the story from official sources it would have been better than reporting primarily heavily on the emotion or jubilation of the community. Secondly: Do your own reporting, do your own reporting, do your own reporting. Period. Don’t take your reporting from other journalists or outlets, try and confirm the story yourself. Thirdly, place a higher value on accuracy and truth than on being first with the story. It is good to report quickly, but it is most important that the information be correct.

4)I believe that objectivity is a myth. I believe that when a journalist cuts him or herself off emotionally from a story an important element is lost. A personal connection, an empathy is lost when journalists place themselves completely apart and separate from the rabble of the emotions of the story. News does not happen in a vacuum, journalists become a piece, a sliver of the story despite their best intentions at objectivity. Journalists must acknowledge their own biases, experiences and limitations in approaching a story. Although I think that complete objectivity is unattainable, accuracy and truthfulness is completely within the journalist’s grasp. We must report the facts, not our opinions and speculations. As journalists, we stand in for the public, we are the self-appointed eyes and ears of the nation. We have an obligation and a duty to report what we witness, not what we believe or hope or desire. We are human beings and fallible, prone to emotion and hope. But in the public trust of journalism, emotion must be tempered with wisdom and discretion.

5)Sometimes, yes. Emotion can lead to bad reporting. I feel comfortable saying that every journalist on that scene wanted a happy ending. Wanted to be able to report a success. I’m not sure that I would have reported the story any differently than they did last night. It is a sad example of reporting the story that was wanted, rather than finding the story that existed.

6)My understanding of the access allowed to the journalists is incomplete, but it seems as though they were some distance from where the events were occurring. There are many reasons to keep journalists out of a specific area – to control the spread of information, to protect the safety of both journalists and rescue workers (the thought being that valuable resources could be used to keep bumbling reporters from hurting themselves or getting in the way.) But, journalists are professionals, with a specific and important job to do. If it were possible that a small press corps could have been placed closer to the scene, I believe it might have helped the real story – that reports had not been confirmed, that reports were false – get to the public faster.

The question of whether the news media “blew the story” has just been posed by Fox News, nearly 12 hours after their correspondent broke the incorrect information. It has taken 12 hours for the news media to even acknowledge that it may have some responsibility for the misinformation.
Journalism proclaims itself the watchdog of democracy, journalists find themselves in a position of authority. But that authority is lost, the public trust is breached when we report false and inaccurate information. I heard an interview from a scholar of journalism who said that journalists may see themselves as a type of priest in a sacred order. I am no priest. I don’t believe that journalism is an inherently precious or sacred thing. If anything gives a noble air to journalism, if anything hallows the newsroom it is the communities we serve. It is the trust placed in daily newspapers. The promise that journalists will provide accurate information that will help our communities.
I would like to close with a few words of the journalist’s creed penned by Walter Williams.
I believe that the public journal is a public trust; that all connected with it are, to the full measure of their responsibility, trustees for the public; that acceptance of a lesser service than the public service is a betrayal of this trust.
I believe that clear thinking and clear statement, accuracy and fairness are fundamental to good journalism.

Journalism has no internal board of standards, no governing body to hand down ethics and instructions. All we have is the trust that may be placed in our word. Any journalist, any news outlet, is only as good as their name. And the title of journalist is one that presupposes a commitment to truth and accuracy.

P.S. Just now, in a story on Fox News that was discussing media culpability, a judge acting as a commentator said that we may see the first instances of an emotional distress suit against media outlets as a result of this story. The journalists reply was “We didn’t start the rumor.”
To report inaccurately is offensive, but to not take full responsibility for it is inexcusable. By not owning up to factual errors, journalists further violate the public trust.


CSP said...

Ooo-- this should be fun. I love group discussions. I tell you what I'm going to do; I've read the questions, but not your answers. I'll answer the original six questions, and then comment on your answers where appropriate. Deal?

1) Yes, absolutely. Anytime a story goes out that is in any way erroneous, the person who wrote it is culpable. Along with his or her editor, producer, whatever. However, I don't think that the fault lies with any one person or group. Journalists have to check and double-check a story, and I'm sure (or rather, hopeful) that they did in this case as well. But double-checking doesn't do any good if everyone has it wrong. At one point, even the governor announced that 12 of the 13 were alive. The way I heard it-- and this may change as more information comes to light-- the report that they were alive came about when somebody in the mine management misunderstood a communication from the rescue team. (They believed they had located the miners, but did not know their condition.) In a crowded, tense environment like that, the news spread quickly. Fact checking would have been difficult or impossible I would think, since everyone had heard it and no one was sure. It just snowballed.

Of course, I'm sure there's more to it than that. But even if it is that simple, an honest mistake, journalists still bear responsibility. Even if there was absolutely know way of knowing that what they were reporting was anything other than hard fact, once the truth was apparent, they still have to stand up and apologize. Even if it genuinely wasn’t their fault. That’s the way it works. That’s the job. Otherwise, we can’t trust them.

This actually reminds me of the first part of “Munich”. I didn’t know this, haven’t never really studied the event, but apparently almost the exact same thing happened. There was a struggle, shots went out, there were explosions, and in the confusion, all 11 hostages were reported safe (when they were in fact all dead). I don’t know how long before that report was debunked, but it’s the same thing we have here. Nobody knew anything, and so they went with the best source they had, which turned out to be utterly wrong.

(I wonder what, if any, apologies were made after that.)

2) That said, the reason they went with a potentially unreliable source is, as you suggest, competition. The problem is that A) news is a business, B) there’s only so much information available and most of it is available to everyone equally, and C) television can only communicate news via short segments or soundbites, and it takes a lot of those to fill up a day. So naturally, there’s a game of one-upsmanship that’s going to happen, and the networks will go with whatever sounds good if it’ll beat out the other guys. This is why I consider television irrelevant as a news source (except for maybe Tim Russert).

I get my news from the various print media. However this time, even they got it wrong. They were approaching deadline, and of the major papers, only USA Today got the correct figure of one, not 12. They were screwed up more by scheduling than competition per se. Which is why for a case like this, I think the Internet represents the most viable source of information. It’s still print media, meaning more in-depth coverage and less concern about ratings, and with no absolute deadline to worry about, you can get information as it comes. That said, they screwed up, too. No ones hands are clean on this.

Again, this reminds me of something else, this stem cell fiasco in S. Korea. Very similar situation: competitiveness and pressure leading to compromise, error, or flat-out deception. What’s important to remember is that, like science, journalism is an inherently good and necessary thing. Competition just leads some in the field to lose sight of its basic purpose at times.

3) In a mess like that, the only thing anyone could have done would be to wait for further verification. Clearly they didn’t, for reasons we’ve already discussed.

4) and 5) are really the same question: Is emotional detachment a necessary part of journalism? I think it depends on the journalist, what they’re covering, and what sort of coverage they’re looking to provide. Take Iraq for instance. If ever a situation called for cool detachment, it’s a war. There’s too much going on over there, too many sides, to many issues at play, for someone to paint an accurate picture for the public without stepping back and removing themselves and their own feelings from the equation, as best as possible. At the same time, Tom Brokaw did a long piece a few weeks back that was an in-depth look at a very small group of soldiers. He was very much emotionally involved with his subjects and had to be to tell that story. That’s important, too. There are times when we need distance and objectivity, there are times when we need involvement and narration and editorializing. The news should be a mix. To report at all, even with utter detachment, is to involve yourself in the story. To give the people what they need, we have to have a large press corps with many levels of involvement and many ways of showing that involvement. We need Edward R. Murrow, but we need Hunter S. Thompson, too.

6) It’s hard to argue whether the press should or shouldn’t be allowed near the church or the mine. That depends on the families and the rescue crew. Access is such an unpredictable thing, and it goes without saying that it has an impact on the coverage. But I don’t think lack of access necessarily inhibits quality journalism, nor do I think it excuses shoddy reporting. Every news organization will find a way to cover the story with the resources at their disposal, and I don’t think you can legitimately claim that whoever has the greatest resources will have the best coverage. I tell Clark (a writer friend of mine for those who don’t know) all the time that there’s a way to make any story work if you approach it correctly. That’s just as true of nonfiction as it is fiction. If you can’t get to the mine, get somewhere else. Tell the story as best you can. And if you screw up, admit to it. It’s that simple. Do that and a lot of our problems go away.

Now let me see what you wrote. One second.

I agree with you almost entirely, to the point that a lot of what I wrote seems redundant now. I will say on number 4), I think that opinion or editorializing plays a more important role than you necessarily suggest. I would never condone anyone manipulating or altering the facts to suit their own agenda, but I have no problem if someone who has the facts on their side wants to use them as a club to get people’s attention. You can report and make an argument at the same time. You can even opine or speculate on occasion, provided you’re not misrepresenting yourself. But I think you would probably agree with me on most of that; that’s not the kind of journalism we’re interested in this discussion.

I don’t think that journalism itself is sacred, but I believe that it is absolutely necessary, and that the TRUST imparted to the profession is a sacred one. Journalism IS the watchdog of democracy; without it, this whole thing doesn’t work. The trouble is not even when misinformation gets reported. The trouble is when they don’t take their share of the blame. That’s where the trust issue starts.

Anyway, this WAS fun. Thanks. Sorry I ran long as usual.

Anonymous said...

Out in the East Coast, I picked up a paper saying 12 miners were found alive. I didn't realize the mistake until I heard it on NPR.

Two links of interest:


CSP said...

According to Today's Papers on Slate.com, the L.A. Times scrapped some 200,000 copies of its late edition in order to correct the story before distribution. Meanwhile, contrary to what I said in my original comment, USA Today got the corrected story out in only 45% of its final run. However, they did run a formal apology today, explaining the situation and stating that their coverage fell short of their own "professional standards". So kudos to the two of them.


The Washington Post and CNN on the other hand took a more belligerent stance, arguing basically that it was the rescue crews' fault. CNN's president actually defended himself by saying that they had "two pretty good sources", apparently thinking that he's working for Star Magazine or something. Way to make everyone look bad, guys.


CSP said...

Also, in Diego's second link, is anyone else really bothered by the fact that the Kansas City Star (admittedly not a great paper under the best of circumstances) used the same picture for 12 of 13 dead as they did for 12 of 13 alive? I would very much like to know when that photo was taken and whether the women in it were crying out of grief or joy. That seems... I dunno, I'm not sure what the word would be. It seems shady, I guess.

Anonymous said...

i am not going to attempt to enter this debate. i simply wish to state that i think irresponsible media reports should be met with investigation and if necessary suit. in any other profession acting on bad information in good faith is still liability. would you not sue the water company if they allowed benzene into the water and gave you cancer even though they, in good faith, thought that the water was safe?