

"And the world's got me dizzy again. You'd think after 22 years I'd be used to the spin. And it only feels worse when I stay in one place, so I'm always pacing around or walking away." Landlocked Blues, Bright Eyes

"Every writer obsessed with depressing realities knows we are totally draining type to have around. Most of us are rational people - we know ten dollars, or even 3,500 words, is not going to change anybody's life. But until we can supply some meaning to what we are witnessing, we are doomed to reel from the resonances." Red, White and Oh So Blue, Mary Kay Blakely

Strange happenings:

Had my ipod on shuffle today. As it selected melodies from 1,002 options it made a very interesting decision: after playing Bright Eyes', Landlocked Blues it chose to play Emmylou Harris' Boulder to Birmingham. This is only interesting because Harris makes a guest apperance with Connor Oberst on Landlocked Blues - how did the ipod know?


Anonymous said...

steve jobs reads your blog

Anonymous said...

Hal from 2001 has invaded your ipod. I have been in LA a couple of days. Everyone told me what a shithole it was prior to coming.

I must say - I love LA! It is a big dirty city with no zoning - similiar in those ways to Houston.

I like big dirty cities. A lot.

Also - big cities are really liberating in that no one feels the need or takes the time for things such as "curtious behavior" or even anything more than the sheerest amount of civility. This is really refreshing and a great time saver. I enjoy not having to do the little things like acknowledge people as i walk past, hold doors open, etc. It is really great - you can just go about your business.

The only thing that truly blows about LA is this whole non-smoking bias. I have not been to one resturant or bar that allowed smoking! Can you imagine? These idiots are living on a fault that god is going to make swallow this Gommorah...and these people are concerned with second-hand smoke.

That said - I love this place. Got into my rental last night at the airport, radio was on a classic rock station and the first song was LA Woman by the Doors. EXCELLENT.

Anonymous said...

i just thought i would pass this link along to you writer types. i thought it was cool : http://www.whichbook.net/index.jsp