
On the cusp of coolness
I've been thinking about starting a blog for sometime, I figure it'll be an interesting experience if nothing else. But once again I find myself way behind all of my friends, who seem to all have blogs. I highly suspect that by the time I post a couple of entries, the fad that is blogging will have passed me by completely. Such is life.

But why this day to start a blog -- that's simple, I'm obviously avoiding the reading for J 200.

Who needs ambition?
Ambition is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. Well mostly the fact that I feel like I have no ambition. I told a couple of friends last night that my life goals were to write, play my saxophone, and speak Spanish. I have no idea how those activities are going to put food on my non-existent kitchen table.
But seriously, I had to fill out yet another of those "get to know you" sheets for reslife the other day, and under the question "what to you want to do after school" I paused and thought for a second. My eyes wandered to the sheet of the girl next to me who was busily writing in pink pen, "After I graduate, I want to go to NYC, become editor-in-chief of a magazine, or be a super-freelancer". I looked back to my paper, and wrote, "write, move to Alaska, teach - maybe". Shoot.

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