
is it my basic nature to not go to sleep like a reasonable person?
I just stay up, and eventually end up posting dumb questions about sleeping habits on my blog.
I really like sleep a lot, and display ample inclination to sleep at inappropriate times, i.e. in the middle of the afternoon, in class, when I have large amounts of school-related reading to do.
(On a sidenote: if you hand me a dry-as-dust book about ocean currents but tell me to read it at my leisure and only if I enjoy it, I will most likely read it in a week, even staying up late to do so. But if you hand me any midly entertaining book and call it school the first paragraph will put me to sleep, guranteed.)
Most of the time though, even when class is in session, I have to work really hard to put myself to sleep. I'd have no idea why? I just want to be one of those people who lays down, and is asleep before their head hits the pillow.

I'm miffed...
that I've broken my, "I've never broken a bone record" -- One stupid rib, and 20 years of work toward snobbily having all my bones intact goes down the drain. I don't even get a cast for people to sign -- and I feel awkward about asking them to sign my rib cage. So really there's no benefit to it. Break an appendage, get a cast in a fun neon color; break a rib, get nada, except lots of tylenol and slower movement that people can't attribute a reason to (see, not only do casts serve as portable get-well cards, they also serve as important visual cues, "Ah, that person is in a cast, that must be the reason that they are moving slower than molasses.")

All right...
Enough mindless blathering, I'm going to close my eyes now, but probably won't go to sleep, because that would be to sensible. No, I'll just contemplate the completely mind-numbing prattle I just posted on my blog.

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