
I have a first draft to turn in. It is all a first draft should be according to the author Anne Lamott.

Maybe someday I will learn how not to be a reclusive and grumpy hermit when I write, but considering the amount of writers I have read about who share this affliction, I'm not holding out much hope.

I tried to tell a story. Or at least tried to drive something to an ending. And it only took two cups of tea, my left over thai food and a diet coke to do it.


Anonymous said...

This is a test posting. I could care less about your word blockage. Just gut it up and get it done. Graduate soon. Love dad

CSP said...

Wow. That's cold.

Anonymous said...

Dad makes The Great Santini look like Ward Cleaver.

Kidding - he really doesn't. BUT, he is exceptional at being a tad harsh sometimes. My personal favorite:

"You are not listening or understanding...write down what I am saying so you can read it over and over until you understand"

If anyone reading this thinks Sara is a little sarcastic...the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.